Hypnosis for Depression

Hypnotherapy using Hypnosis and NLP for Depression and Anxiety in Ipswich Suffolk

I am Graham Howes a Hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner and I work with Depression, Anxiety, PMS issues, Panic Disorders, Stress, Insomnia, Trauma and Weight Loss, amongst many other things, to help you to learn strategies to diminish and even eradicate the issues that are holding back your success.

FREE CONSULTATION: Text 07875720623 or Call 01473879561

Email: grahamahowes@me.com

1 in 4 of us could do with some help with Depression that medication alone will not address. Medication often helps – but it is worth looking at the Depression mindset, diet and strategies that help with Depression isn’t it? It can affect us as a teenager or adult – depression is no respecter of background – anyone can get it.

It was once considered that hypnosis could not help with depression. Now we know that expert use of hypnotherapy for depression has very positive outcomes.

It helps to still the mind which is just what depressed people who compulsively ruminate and obsess need. It calms down the mind and body which helps as depressed people have higher than normal levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

Hypnosis helps depressed clients sleep better, recoup energy, and importantly rehearse new positive behaviours, get motivated, and meet emotional and physical needs in new and satisfying ways.

Hypnotherapy helps focus on better sleep, finding strategies to calm anxiety stress and worry, boosting self confidence and self esteem.

Hypnotic Strategies for Depression and PMS

There are many strategies which can help you deal with WHY you may be suffering depression and anxiety:

We can usually get to the bottom of what is causing the difficulty with Hypnoanalysis, Regression to Cause or Mindful Solution Focussed Brief Therapy.

We can make those therapeutic changes that will enable you to get by the problem and find a better Quality of Mind.

This not a matter of being “all in the mind” but is often also about making adjustments to your mindset, and sometimes even diet, and lifestyle, in the case of depression, to combat these distressing symptoms.

Some people suffer at the “time of the month” with Pre Menstrual Syndrome when hormones are all over the place. There are strategies for PMS and we also look at whether some of your responses are governed by past experience. Some clients have reported feeling depressed, anxious, and full of low self esteem when they are menstruating.
You should feel that you can get beyond all these problems and see that the light at the end of the tunnel is not a train coming the other way. It actually just is the light at the end of the tunnel.

You stop buying into negative thinking and look to solution building for any challenges that you may be facing.

You are not helpless and hopeless and you can increase your confidence. You can become less socially phobic. You can stop envying other people’s lives and create your own success.

We can train ourselves to be calmer and more confident and more mindful of the pleasure to be had in any present moment in any situation that has given us anxious feelings in the past.

We can learn to make good quality decisions and not fear failure.

Failure is there to teach us how to do things better.

This is all possible with hypnosis which enables you to change how you feel and act and get control of the situation.

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.

Samuel Beckett

Tel: 01473 879561Text or Call: 07875720623


Depression can feel insurmountable


When you are depressed or anxious you may feel that the onset of depression cannot be stopped – you may even feel there is no point and feel suicidal or self harm – but there are strategies that can work to help head off most depressive incidents. You don’t need to feel surrounded and hemmed in by all that negativity – you can learn to turn around that low state and get in touch with your higher happier more positive states of mind more often.

Depression may feel insurmountable – but it is possible to get through these problems and find a happier life. Mindful Hypnotherapy from Graham Howes


Talk to me – Free Consultation in absolute confidence

Call: 0787 5720623

Email: grahamahowes@me.com


Hypnotherapy and NLP from Harley Street Hypnotherapist Graham Howes for Depression, Anxiety, Feeling Low and Suicidal, or Self Harming in Ipswich SUFFOLK

4361-Lao-Tzu-Quote-When-I-let-go-of-what-I-am-I-become-what-I-might-beWhen I let go of what I am I become what I might be – Lao Tzu

Hypnotherapy for Depression – Practice in Lacey Street Central Ipswich SUFFOLK

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