Hypnotherapy for Driving Test and Enjoy Exam Study, Interview or Audition, Boost Confidence – Ipswich or by Skype.
Hypnosis and NLP can help increase Confidence and help you learn how to enjoy studying
I am Graham Howes a Hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner, Actor, and Qualified Drama and English Teacher. I work with Anxiety, Panic Disorders, Stress, Insomnia, how to enjoy studying, Test and Exam nerves – amongst many other things, to help you to learn strategies to diminish and even eradicate the issues that are holding back your success.
FREE CONSULTATION: Text 07875720623 or Call 01473879561
Email: grahamahowes@me.com
About my background and experience:
Hypnotherapy for Passing Exams Driving Test and Interview Success or Audition Confidence and Stage Fright in Ipswich Suffolk – How I can Help Because of my Experience
I have worked as an Actor ( 39 Years!) and as a Salesman in some Fortune 500Â companies. I am a qualified Speech English and Drama Teacher. I have run my own Theatre Company – so have employed people. I am also Co – Artistic Director of Missing Pieces Theatre Show Ltd.
In addition I have years of experience with Hypnotherapy and NLP – working in Harley Street with many people at one point – including CEOs Models and Actors and People in the Media.
I have taught, trained or directed, many actors Singers and Dancers or helped Presenters or Journalists.
How to be more observant and enjoy study.
I have written and co – written plays – more on my acting and creative work here:
I mainly work in Ipswich now or onsite for Business and Theatre TV or Film with great discretion.

Hypnotherapy can help with Exams Tests and Interviews
I have helped many people get that job or pass that exam or driving test. The problem for many is that they lack confidence, feel self conscious, embarrassed, blush easily or go into “fight or flight” mode and panic or get too anxious.
A Hypnotherapist can help you boost your Confidence in your Uniqueness, conquer your anxiety or panic, and allow yourself to be mindful in the moment and do well in that Interview Test or Audition.
Nobody is there to trip you up – they want you to succeed – so make the best of yourself by learning some simple strategies to deal with fear or self consciousness.
Pass that Test!

I was able to help one Teacher, who had only one more opportunity to pass his oral exam, to become a Teacher. He had failed every time even though his written grades were excellent.
This time, I am pleased to say, he passed. He knew his stuff .. he was just blocked by nerves or, as people often say, stage fright.
I helped many people pass their Driving Test who had failed numerous times because of nerves.
Thank goodness this time – They also passed.
Hypnotherapy and NLP for Business people
I was able to help an ex plumber with Social Phobia land a big responsible job that he never thought he would get with a multinational oil company. He now travels around the World as an Inspector and has sufficient confidence to make important decisions and take action. I merely facilitated making the best of his innate ability.

Sales people can benefit from some simple techniques and close more sales.
I helped one salesman who could never present without blushing or feeling self consciousness. He always felt his boss was judging him. Needless to say it was all in HIS mind.
There are many obstacles to success for Business Owners as well as their staff. Procrastination to name but one. Improving People skills, Dealing with Stress Productively and much more …
Stress is one of the biggest killers in the World now – and yet when harnessed productively can be an absolute asset.
There are also issues such as Weight Loss, Smoking, Addiction or Alcohol Abuse which sometimes go with the job.
Call: 01473 879561 Text or Call:07875720623
Email: grahamahowes@me.com
Hypnotherapy for Actors Singers Dancers and Media Presenters Confidence in Auditions and Interviews and tackling Stage Fright:
I helped both an Actress and a Cabaret Singer to get beyond their nerves in Audition and Performance.
I helped a Singer with crippling stage fright who could not remember her lyrics.
I was able to help a Male Dancer with Self Consciousness.
An Actor came to see me for Nerves and Anxiety in Performance and Audition – we were able to identify some strategies to help him.
How to Audition Better:
When I was employing actors for a workshop I wondered why some were good at auditions and some were not. They were all talented – but the short list was easy:
It was because some came in prepared. They looked me in the eye and smiled. They had Googled me and the Company and found out about the project and had pertinent questions. They shone in their audition!
The others failed on a number of levels. If they had a feeling that they were not good enough or had been sent along even if the job was not for them then they often trailed their own lack of self confidence or self consciousness.
I took some time to give them feedback – something they almost unfortunately never get: I did so in the hope of helping them take themselves to the short list.
So now I work with people using a combination of my skills as Director Teacher Hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner.
Mainly because I have been there myself – I could truthfully talk of how that actor dancer or singer could get that job, that salesman close that sale, that person pass the driving test or get good grades in the exam. Learn how to be more observant and mindfully in the moment.
I would love to help you.
You can see me at one of my practices in Ipswich Suffolk. By Skype.
Onsite at your place of Work .. whether it be an Office or Theatre or Film or TV set.
Talk to me for free – you can email me with your phone number or leave a message by text or speech on my mobile and give me some times to call.
Call: 01473 879561 Text or Call:07875720623
Hypnosis for Creatives Actors Directors and Artists
There is more detail on the webpage above.
Email: grahamahowes@me.com
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