Post Lockdown Blues

2 years ago

Are you more anxious, depressed, drinking / using drugs too much, traumatised, overeating or found your relationship is showing strains…

Fear of Vaccination for Covid-19 or injection phobia

3 years ago

Many people fear injections and yet we are probably are all going to have to be vaccinated against Covid in…

Is Online Hypnosis Therapy effective?

4 years ago

Online Hypnotherapy works as well as individual face to face hypnosis.

Can you be hypnotised?

4 years ago

Can I be hypnotised? Yes and here is why ...

What happens in hypnotherapy?

5 years ago

What does a hypnotherapist do? Here is a simplified account of a real stop smoking hypnotherapy client. The clients issue…

How Hypnotherapy can help when CBT or Counselling fails to work

6 years ago

How Hypnotherapy can help when Counselling or CBT fails to work: How Hypnotherapy can help when Counselling or CBT fails…

5 ways to choose your hypnotherapist

6 years ago

Five ways to choose a hypnotherapist It can seem daunting choosing a hypnotherapist when you know nothing about hypnotherapy. It…

Gastric Band Hypnosis

6 years ago

Gastric Band Hypnosis - Everything you ever wanted to know Gastric band hypnosis is a hypnosis treatment for weight loss.…

Are You Addicted to Food?

6 years ago

Food Addiction Explored: Food Addiction: In our very stressful world we sometimes self medicate with food, or comfort eat, when…

Treating Insomnia and what lack of sleep does

6 years ago

What is insomnia and how do we treat it? Do you have trouble getting a good night’s sleep? Do you…