Post Lockdown Blues

Are you more anxious, depressed, drinking / using drugs too much, traumatised, overeating or found your relationship is showing strains and stresses?

I can help restore your equilibrium..

Since pandemic lockdown I have become more busy than ever with anxiety, depression, stress, trauma, and self medication with alcohol drugs and / or food. People’s mental health has been put under a lot of strain.

It has been a hard time for us all and, for some, also moving from a relationship where they spent mornings evening and weekends together, to now being together 24/7 can begin to expose cracks in the relationship.

Help is at hand, though: I help people work through their issues and why they are happening.

We then plan a course of treatment where they learn new skills and strategies to stop doing what they no longer want to do and they can start living the life that they want free of their blocks or issues.

Want to see the back of pandemic lockdown blues?

Do you want to fid your balance and become who you really want to be?

Please text or give me a call on 07875720623 for a free no obligation chat in confidence.

Or you can email me on

We can meet face to face in Ipswich Suffolk UK or I have many international clients via Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, which can work just as well.

Graham Howes Advanced Hypnotherapist Coach NLP Practitioner GHR registered and GHSC regulated.

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